The Princess is a 21-year-old adult, and she is not, at the moment dating anyone. Having always had a healthy love life (a little healthier than I liked most of the time, but that is a whole other post) she has been, well, lonely lately.
She was in the Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market, (if you don't have one of those in your area, they are kind of like a "mini-Wal-mart", most of them are open 24 hours, they have a pharmacy and an abbreviated selection of the normal stuff that Wal-Mart carries) and she was browsing around, when she came across this little vibrating "pleasure" ring device near the condoms and the KY Jelly.
Like I said, she has always had a pretty healthy love life (which really is none of my business, she IS an adult after all), but at the moment she isn't seeing anyone. She said at first she giggled when she saw it, and then thought "What the hell?" and she picked it up.
She was in there to buy cigarettes, so she headed to the little service desk with her new little plaything and paid for everything right there. She was a little embarrassed by her purchase, so she grabbed the bag as quickly as she could and headed to the door.
Just as she crossed the threshold at the exit door, THE ALARM WENT OFF. As you can probably imagine, it was NOT the cigarettes that caused the alarm to go off, it was her new toy. And everyone within sight of the doors turned around to see what had caused the commotion.
Blushing to her feet, with all these people staring at her, she turned around while this pimply faced boy came up to her and took the bag, reached in and said "Oh, this is probably the problem; it has a security device and they must have forgotten to rub it across the scanner to deactivate it." She could tell he wanted to laugh, but was trying really hard not to.
With everyone watching, he carried it over to his lane where he was checking, starts rubbing it over the deactivation pad, the whole time grinning, the customers in his line watching the whole thing, while The Princess just wanted to run from the store and never come back.
But finally, after rubbing it for what seemed and eternity, he gets it deactivated, hands it back to her and she places it back in the bag and with all the dignity she could muster, headed out of the store.
So yeah, the moral of this story is, DON'T buy your vibrators at Wal-Mart and if you DO, make sure the cashier who checks you out deactivates the security device before they bag it. It will save you some time and embarrassment in the long run.
Oh, and she is going to kill me when she finds out that I posted this on my blog. But I just couldn't help it. It was too funny.
....or Get Off the Pot
7 years ago
That is lovely! :)
Yeah, see I DO get to still post funny stories about my kids! lol
She turned RED AS A BEET when she was telling me about this!
I nearly peed my pants!
bless her heart, this made me laugh, and i needed that today!
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