Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Just a Random Thought....

There are not enough ugly words in the entire English language (or any other language for that matter) to express my complete, desperate, utter hope that this fucking bitch rots in the very deepest, hottest pits of Hell.

That about sums it up.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

They were the worst of times.....

WOW! Has it REALLY been TEN days since I posted?!?! Ooops!

I have been so busy with all the wonderful, happy, and joyous things you are forced to do for people that you don't like during the holidays (I have been making candles) that I just haven't been able to get over here. I AM proud to say that I did about 85% of my shopping online. Click, type credit card #, wait for UPS. DONE.

I was looking over the list of things that my daughters want and need, and it occured to me that even though people talk about the bad economy, nothing has really changed for us. We don't have any money, we never had any money and we never will have any money. So, what recession?

I know, however that things are BAD this holiday season. REALLY bad, and how do I know? Well there are a few things that tell me:

  1. The Help Wanted Ads section of the paper is about 2 columns long. And no one would want the jobs listed in there if they had to go hungry, wear plastic grocery bags and farm their children out to the highest bidder. (I wonder if someone WOULD pay for that. Oh, Princess! Can you come here a minute?)
  2. The Angel Tree at the local Wal Mart is about to topple over from all of the "Angels" hanging on it. I get a pang of guilt every time I pass it. I can almost hear them hissing and booing me when I walk on by them. (Mean angels.)
  3. There was a woman ahead of me at a convenience store the other day paying for her gas with pennies, lint and Chuckie Cheese tokens.
  4. The people standing with the "Will Work for Food" signs along the highway are wearing Armani suits.
  5. I have seen Elves in the unemployment line.
  6. Shopping at Wal Mart and Dollar General is becoming the "cool" thing to do. (I'm FINALLY "cool"! YAY! I have been WAY ahead of the times for years!)

I am sure that I will be adding more to this post and will "bump" it up as I get to them. I wanted to get a post on here for my readers, so I am posting it now:o)

I have some others things to post brewing in my twisted brain, so I promise not to have a big gap in between posting again!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cranky Pet Peeves

I am cranky today (I know; VERY hard to believe. Maybe it isn't just today; maybe I am just a bitch. Hmmmm...) and I just thought I'd let you know what bugs me. Of course this is only a small sampling of what bugs me; the real list is totally and completely endless. Really it just depends on what day it is. That will usually determine what is bugging me at the moment. So I thought I would start you off small, 'cause you don't want to have all your fun at once.

I know I get irritated sometimes at things that, in the whole scheme of things, really shouldn't matter, but to me, they do. So if you don't like it, bite me (and I mean that in the nicest way. NOT.).

One of the things that drives me crazy is misuse of grammar (I would rather hear someone drop the f-bomb than use the word "ain't"; seriously.), and then there is misspelling or using the wrong word when you mean something else.

For example (you knew that was coming didn't you), when I am on a BUSINESS site and I see the word "separate" spelled "seperate". Or when they are in the process of updating or something and instead of saying "bear with me" (which of course means, be patient, BEAR the BURDEN with me) they put "BARE with me". Ummmm that means let's get naked together. Nope. Don't think so. Or when they mean to make something a PLURAL and they give it an apostrophe. You know, like instead of putting "blogs" meaning "more than one blog" they put "blog's" which means that something BELONGS to the blog. I see that one ALL THE TIME.

One of the things that drives me REALLY crazy is the misuse of "they're, there and their". I won't even go into that one, I think it is pretty self explanatory.

BUT the #1 thing that drives me TOTALLY nuts is the misuse of the phrase "I couldn't care less". Most people say "I COULD care less" which actually means that you DO CARE. Think about it. If you COULD care less then that means you care somewhat. You might as well say "Oh, I care so much about that!" However, the REAL phrase is "I couldn't care less"; i. e. you could not care any less than you do at that moment. That makes sense, because you are simply saying "I don't give a shit", but in a nice way. That misuse absolutely grates (and NO, it is NOT GREATS!!!) on my nerves. Really bad. Really, really, really bad.

And don't even get me started on the use of the word "ammonia" for "pneumonia" (yes, I DO know someone who says that! I am in Arkansas, people), or for someone to say "worsh" for "wash" (again, Arkansas!), or to even utter the word "dang". Or how about someone who sends you an email with no punctuation and capitalization? ARGH!

Okay, sorry, you can go back to what you were doing. I'm better now.
